I feel bad for uploading this when there's already a gallery that's just three months old, but it is woefully lacking in images. I also spent some time renaming the images in my gallery so they're organized by Hentai-Foundry's naming scheme.
Dem traps dou ( ง⁰▿⁰)ว
Includes images from: http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/iri-neko (includes loli & shota images that were hidden during the purge) http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=11345688 http://iri-neko.tumblr.com/ (mostly bunch of sketches, didn't include because we have the full color images) http://iri-neko.deviantart.com/ (didn't include some subpar quality older images) http://iri-neko.blogspot.com/ (dead, did wizardry and found all(?) the images that were released there) + various booru sites.
I made sure there's no duplicates and only kept the higher quality images when there were.
Image order is: HF releases from newest to oldest, then etc (deviantart and images that weren't released on HF) in name ascending order, and finally seven animated gifs.
dead, did wizardry and found all(?) the images that were released there All acts of wizardry require applause. *clap clap clap* Great gallery, take my upboats.