Base +5, DeadSoulXX -23, IcedMatcha +7, SatuOnDrugs +6, Gahasa -16
Base +14, the observer +7, Epion -6, Gahasa -16, tontje -6
Posted on 28 August 2015, 02:07 by:
MetalGarv Score
Base +14, jmd123 +7, DeadSoulXX +24, Teh Freek +7, the observer +7, Hirudurei +6, Epion +6, ByQ +6, Gahasa -16, bluemandc +6, KrystalKross23 +6
Base +3, DeadSoulXX +24, bluemandc +6
Posted on 28 August 2015, 08:37 by:
Kenseiden Score
Base +6, DeadSoulXX -24, Soanevalche +7, totlmstr +7, bluemandc +6, Nirbo -6, TheSoziopath +2, SophieRipley +4