Posted on 06 September 2015, 23:07 by:
TK162 ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +4, atomicpuppy +28, Surviva +5, LaMaster +10, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, ‗‗_ +5, RAGE1 +14, zam005 +8, EX-Zero +8, lekka +8, lukiro +7, 889zas +5, cvkz2 +5, and 3 more...
Base +6, lekka -8, SlayerEx -6, Unholy_Razor -7, vincenth93 +7, Abarrow -6, strawtea +5, soulblaze69 -6, rext11 +5, stupid army -7, Danikusu -9, komplikation -6, Morgoth666 +7, and 7 more...
Posted on 09 August 2015, 13:01 by:
kitsuneH ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +17, lekka -8, lukiro -7, cvkz2 -5, SlayerEx -6, Unholy_Razor -7, RaizelX -5, redpanther +6, Vertuoso -6, beeruang -9, KAZER +6, Derk36 -6, yinjueshi +6, and 17 more...
Posted on 07 September 2015, 01:09 by:
Chalala20 ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +1, yinjueshi -6, redpanther -6, cvkz2 +5, Ryuzitz +6, endlesszero -6, Yunikon +5, sgc_geh +9
Base +6, caminhas +10, komplikation +6, roskrad -7, SlainForTheLulz -6, Hyoros +6, Yunikon +5
Posted on 07 September 2015, 01:56 by:
HitmanPAC ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6, Abarrow +6, the observer +7, Askhandar +7, redpanther +6, Danikusu +9, endlesszero +6, Rincematic +4, Hyoros +6, TransDrLoli +6, Yunikon +5
Base +6, redpanther -6, roskrad +7, endlesszero -6
Base +9, roskrad +7, HelmutRegner +6, Hyoros +6, Vivi1993 +9, Yunikon +5
Posted on 10 September 2015, 02:40 by:
UsagiJun ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +8, Danikusu +9, redpanther +6, cvkz2 -5, endlesszero +6, kosmosaurus +7, Romi the Byzantine +6, Hyoros +6, TransDrLoli +6, lisemer -6, KiraKazumi +6, Yunikon +5
Base +6, sgc_geh +9, endlesszero -6, Yunikon +5