Actually other pages are not "to fill", they are for completeness. As when I come to game gallery, I suppose it would have backgrounds at least and some gore images, along with action sprites, so included them as well. But as you can see, all good stuff is sorted to be in the beginning, so I do not see what to complain here...
Why no one posted uncensored gallery? I believe because Mangagamer release (written from scratch on Unity) is crypted by a special crypt key and additionally images are inside their own MGPK container... Seems no one had the key to decrypt the data.
The only uncensored images exist are these ones. So if there was a censored image in japanese version and was not uncensored here - then it means it was skipped/whatever by Mangagamer. I believe you should ask Doddler or someone who actually worked on the game CGs. Actually they removed/forgot/whatever several images from original game, most notable was the scene with Rin in brothel, where in MG version there was a CG of ejaculation even before that happened (and actually you could even select "not ejaculate" and the cumshot majically disappear from the air). I suppose this happened because MG did not had all the sources for CGs, so they had to remove some non-important.
@krossvas Thanks for explaining that. I was so confused when I played through the ero-scene, since it started right at the ejaculation, I was like... Whaaat??? Did I break the game??? If you choose to cum on her face, the CG obviously doesn't change, and I was kinda worried. So in the Japanese version you could choose to not ejaculate at all? Or did I miss something? Very interesting, anyway. Good to know that I didn't break anything. (◠‿◠)
In japanese version there was an intermediate CG with Rin doing blowjob, but it was absent in MG release, actually there were more images absent, like arisini mentioned above.
I do not know why MG did such a sloppy work. Maybe layered sources for these CG were lost and they had to do something with it... You can ask Doddler on why they did it, but I doubt he remember that...