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Malise and the Machine (demo)

Posted:2016-02-15 07:38
File Size:152.3 MiB
Length:312 pages
Favorited:167 times
Average: 4.13

Showing 121 - 160 of 312 images

Posted on 15 February 2016, 07:38 by:   watch_pets    PM
Uploader Comment

CG ripped from public demo of the game.
Posted on 15 February 2016, 10:25 by:   test12932930    PM
Score -10
I can't tell if it's uncanny valley or just a lack of artistry but this has icked me out from day one.
Posted on 16 February 2016, 02:19 by:   Brufh    PM
Score +7
Played the recent demo, wasn't all that great honestly, you have to lose to actually watch the erotic scenes and the game play itself was very very simple. Having to lose rather than win to be rewarded with the scenes has always bothered me in these types of games.
Posted on 19 February 2016, 21:12 by:   lenonium    PM
Score +43
Disagree. The game is fast paced and challenging, the art is great and the scenes are cool. You don't need to lose to see something good, though you most likely WILL lose a couple of times without even trying because of challenging enemies. As soon as he gets to implement actual story, non-mission areas, more graphics and h-attack consequences that lasts even AFTER the actual battles, and prove that he's not just another firefly on the "English RPG" horizon, this game will in my opinion be the single most promising english RPG Maker game that I've seen in years. Seriously, the animation ALONE makes most of the RPG games on DLsite look utterly bad in comparison. And he just keeps on pushing the borders for what should be humanly possible to do with RPG Maker.

The demo shows what the "skeleton" parts of the game will be like, but the "fleshy bits" are still works in progress, so I think it's fair to assume that we've seen "nothing" yet.
Posted on 12 April 2016, 13:34 by:   Sippycup    PM
Score +14
Considering how long this has been out and how much they get patreon'd I'd be almost as annoyed as I would be with the progress of breeding season.
Posted on 26 April 2016, 07:26 by:   HentaiFan926    PM
Score +1
As far as the combat goes, it feels okay. Characters get aroused WAY too fast though. Just a couple special attacks and suddenly you're already at "Level 1" lust. It's hard to maintain either character's arousal after so many fights, so you essentially have to hover just within arm's reach (or the next room over) of the recovery machine until you level up enough to one or two shot everything in the area. Feels poorly balanced in that respect.

Also, I find it funny how they said we "won't have to lose to see the H-content." Um... One of the H-Finishers flat out KILLS Malise. And she gets the ONLY H-Finisher that does that. Neon doesn't have one. She just gets fucked repeatedly. Though on that, why does that H-Finisher actually kill Malise? It makes no sense to me; when "self-destructing" the leeches look like they're just popping like balloons and spraying Malise with her own breast milk (and probably some of their semen). Why is that deadly? If anything she should get put down for the equivalent of TWO turns, instead of the standard one that seems to be the case for the others. Unless it's just a feature that isn't in the demos, we still have to lose to see the H-moves and their finishers... They aren't delivering on what they said so far.

The characters are okay. I like the way Malise looks, but Neon bugs the crap out of me for a number of reasons. Mainly her personality, but her hair also bothers me. There's also the fact that her armor break doesn't break he chest plate too. What's with that? I mean... I get it. Malise has (in my opinion) awesome tits. Kinda want to see Neon's too, unless that chest plate is... well... yeah. In that case, no thanks.

Overall, I... kinda like the game as it is? Unless there's actual animated scenes and voices, and not just frame-by-frames... I might just wait until the full game and then grab the inevitable asset rip or "distributed" copies of the game.
Posted on 28 July 2016, 18:12 by:   noir desir    PM
Score +14
thanks for the work it was an awesome game / demo
could you please update the art of the 0.05 version ?

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