Base +9, Sentinel77777 +20, LegoArielFanMaster +8, Johnny Silverhand +21, jmasterchain +8, lucaslsd +6, aubrie paterson +6, demanimetiddies +5, musoukaXIV +9, Rusturist +7, suppleness +9, lanwon +5, lockedupslut +6, and 16 more...
Posted on 17 May 2016, 00:36 by:
Zes Score
Base +14, Bab The Great +1, Roflcakes +6, elgringo +50, RareTracks +15
Base +4, Erranty +8, LoveAnimation -6, Kianki -8, survical -6, plmkoi987 -15, TSFO -5, Dudeson77 -7, Bab The Great -1, NEORSD -5, Roflcakes -6, dodonpa -6, RareTracks -15
Base +6, PersonaFan08 +16, plmkoi987 +15, TSFO -5, Bab The Great +1, Roflcakes +6, jon6789 -6, ninjaboy196 +7, ReZero +6, Quantequila +5, BlackHimari +18, SpigotTheBear +7, ferretpisser +6, and 3 more...
Base +6, survical +6, Bab The Great +1, ifr22k +7, NEORSD -5, magness +6, RareTracks +15, Pleirlat -6, goblock +6
Posted on 17 May 2016, 09:05 by:
Sergeres Score
Base +7, LoveAnimation +6, lockedupslut +6, survical +6, Bab The Great +1, NEORSD +5, LinchSmyth +3, daman11 +6, RareTracks +15, pantoro2 +6, CM Omega +6
Base +4, lockedupslut +6, survical +6, LinchSmyth +3, NEORSD +5, l33tsp00g3 +7
Base +7, NEORSD +5, sagasghai +8, l33tsp00g3 +7, ezeheadass2 +6