i STRONGLY recommend using an instant-loading image viewer for this one, as there are many small details that can be missed or overlooked due to the loading times between images, such as eye movements, tentacle movements, etc. Instant-loading image viewer includes things such as the pixiv viewer (clicking through, not scrolling, also the best quality from what i can tell), or the standard Photos app that comes included with Windows 10.
let's change that with something... special? i think? i was actually curious to see if this guy had any work uploaded here so i did a quick search and found barely anything - that's fine, i thought to myself, i suppose the guy's kinda obscure, especially with his fairly unique art style
but in the comments for some of the galleries, i saw people asking for more, and that they liked his work
kay lemme open these gates real quick, but first off:
If you are searching under the breast expansion, lactation, huge breasts or milking tags right now, I want you to know something.
This work contains roughly 420 images dedicated solely to YOUR fetish and NOTHING else.
Congratulations, and happy fapping!
now, with that out of the way, for those who can't find anything on this artist:
HIS PIXIV BOOTH - this is really important because out of all the artists i follow on pixiv (which, uh, may be many), Orange Manbou, without a doubt, updates the most often, and also is on the top of the list for utilizing booth.pm. The vast majority of his works, which range from anywhere to ~100 to ~1100 yen (that's about $1 to $11, roughly) can be found there. There's some stuff exclusive to DLSite (found at http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/circle/profile/=/maker_id/RG28081), but not much
a while back, like 2013ish?, i believe he took his pixiv down - this is because he actually split his accounts based on fetishes. He does a TON of stuff regarding tentacles in general, but he also does some guro/amputee/weird transformation shit, and he lists all of this on his profile pages. I only follow his tentacles one since i'm not a fan of guro.
PIXIV #1 (tentacles/body modification) - this is also his main one, the one he updates the most, and the one linked to his booth: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=3650244