Sanhoshin is a Korean player of skyrim, known for his incredible screenshots and his unique character. He have now his own blog: Go check his blog !
Who in his right mind would pixelate this stuff? I know that for a japanese release you have to pixalate the sexual organs, but ffs, everyone tries to get this shit away as soon as possible... and I really doubt that this pixelation is a feature of a vanilla skyrim.
Ah! The character that everyone would love to get their hands on about [in the past, too many pretty characters these days]. Still, look at that face. Ump! Yeah!
@AnimusNocturnus I know your plight. Heck, I don't even know the reason why majority of all jap adult vid have censorship. Part of a human body, why hid it? that kind of stuff [that there law].
try , links on last page are active, dl companionpack and do facerip